Yarn: Difficult to change the weak market

Yarn: Difficult to change the weak market

Recently, the overall yarn market is still weak and difficult to change. The entire market is still utterly deserted and disgusted. As some market participants have described, “only quotations are available, and few deals are available”. Although 2015 will be approaching, but the market is weak and weak, and the industry is in a low state of mind, mainly due to the poor international environment. The domestic and foreign markets are not optimistic, the market is unstable, and the downstream weaving mills lack orders, so the demand is low. The aspect is approaching the end of the year. This year, its own benefits are not good. Spinning manufacturers have to repay loans, and the funds are surrounded. Traders need to clear up the credits. The market has said that the market is still cautious and confused.

First, all-cotton yarn: The overall weakness of the upstream cotton market has not diminished in the past, sales continue to be light, spinning manufacturers continue to use with the purchase, prices continue to decline steadily. ** The market is also showing signs of stable and tidy, such as the Zheng cotton market, CF501 closed at 13,115 yuan/ton on December 1, December 3, CF501 closed at 13,165 yuan/ton, and on December 5, CF501 closed at 13,230 yuan/ Ton. The spot price has steadily dropped, and the mainstream of 329 lint in the mainland has reached the price of 14,000 yuan/ton. Of course, the entire cotton yarn market is even more fatigued. The transaction is deserted, the price is stagnant, the yarn manufacturers' attitudes are low, and some varieties are even priceless and without market performance. The market is not favorably supported by varieties. In the recent Qianqing market in Shaoxing, mainstream prices for 21s and 32s carding were respectively 20,500 yuan/ton, 21,550 yuan/ton, 32s high with mainstream price 22,850 yuan/ton, 32s combed mainstream price 25,200 yuan/ton, and 40s combed mainstream price 26,500 yuan. /Ton.

Second, pure polyester yarn: Recently, the raw material polyester staple fiber market in the upper reaches of the market has returned to a weak state, and the price has been steadily declining. Currently, the mainstream price of 1.4Dx38mm in Jiangsu and Zhejiang is around 8,300 yuan/ton, mainly due to the lack of sufficient atmosphere for upstream polyester raw materials and weak support. On the other hand, the overall mentality of the market is relatively weak, and the spinning manufacturers are not in good supply, and they have little confidence in the replenishment of staple fiber. In the raw material falling again, the polyester yarn market, which is not optimistic for itself, is basically the overall atmosphere is weak and difficult to conceal. The turnover is sluggish, the price is weak, and the spinning manufacturers more aggravate the shipment, and basically have no much confidence in the market outlook. Still based. Of course, its "culprit" or the continuing downturn in downstream demand is insufficient. The current market 32s manufacturers mainstream price 12600-12700 yuan / ton, 50s general mainstream price 16500-16700 yuan / ton.

Third, people cotton yarn: The recent raw material viscose staple fiber prices steady decline, the transaction is flat mainly, the recent 1.5Dx38mm mainstream price 11750 yuan / ton, market participants believe that the overall situation this year is still difficult to change. As raw materials fell, people's cotton yarn market was dull and concentrated. The class of stocks that had been good for some time had also faded recently. The continued weakness in the downstream domestic and foreign sales market is a blatant outlook for the market, and the market has a rather unstable atmosphere. Coupled with the industry's basic view that this year's cotton market conditions are not optimistic under the constraints of the textile environment, it is difficult to change. For this reason, market players are still weak-minded, and they have no desire to purchase goods. However, yarn manufacturers are still maintaining their bids under cost pressures, but they have gradually become powerless. Shaoxing market 30s knitted yarn mainstream price 16350 yuan / ton, 30S woven yarn mainstream price 15,900 yuan / ton.

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