Imports and Exports of Cotton Yarn Price Exports Decreased Import Imports

According to customs statistics, from January to September this year, China's cotton yarn imports totaled 623,900 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 23.9%. Of which, imports from Pakistan were 203,900 tons, down 14.4%; imports from India were 78,000 tons, down 14.4%; imports from Vietnam were 70,600 tons, down 10%. In terms of import volume, although it has decreased year-on-year, it has been rising month by month since the second half of the year. Imports from July to September increased from 49,200 tons in June to 62,400 tons in July, 70,700 tons in August and 84,800 tons in September. From the point of view of the average import price of cotton yarn, the monthly average price fell from the second half of the year. The average import price dropped from US$4,232 per ton in June to US$3,926 in July, US$3,775 in August and US$3,435 in September. The cumulative decrease for the three months was 18.8%.

Import and export of cotton yarn price correction

Imports and Exports of Cotton Yarn Price Exports Reduced Imports

Import and export of cotton yarn price correction

Imports and exports of cotton yarns were reduced in export prices. Imports decreased from January to September. China's cotton yarn exports stood at 309,500 tons, down 25.1% year-on-year. Exports only accounted for 49.6% of imports, and the decline was also larger than imports by 1.2%. Not only that, the export volume of cotton yarn not only continued to decline year-on-year, but also showed a month-on-month decline from the previous month, from 59,100 tons in March to 23,600 tons in September. From the perspective of the export price of cotton yarn, the average export price began to decline slowly from July, which gradually dropped from 6,295 US dollars per tonne in June to 5,648 U.S. dollars in September, a cumulative decrease of 10.3 percent, which was slower than the decrease in import cotton prices. As of September, the average price of exported cotton yarn was 1.64 times that of imported cotton yarn. Price-related disadvantages are also one of the important factors leading to a decline in the export of cotton yarn and a significant increase in imported yarn.

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