Solar power glass tile

Application Number: 00261980.6 Application date: 2000.12.19
name: Solar power glass tile
Public (announcement) number: CN2469095 Public (announcement) day: 2002.01.02
Main classification number: E04D1/04 The original application number of the division:
Classification number: E04D1/04; H01L31/0264
Award day: priority:
Application (patent) person: Nanjing Dubao Industrial Co., Ltd.
address: No. 17-18, Xuanwumen, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
Invention (design) person: Fan Binghe International application:
International announcement: Enter country date: 2000.01.01
Patent agency: Nanjing Zhonglian Patent Agency Co., Ltd. agent: Xie Zhenlong
A solar photovoltaic tile is constructed by attaching a solar cell to a glass substrate. The glass substrate is first placed in a quartz container of a glow discharge device, and after vacuuming, the diluted silane of hydrogen is charged, and the silane is ionized to form a plasma, and the amorphous silicon film is deposited and heated. On the glass plate substrate, the solar photovoltaic glass tile can be constructed. DC power can be supplied to household appliances to save energy for the country and the home.

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