Waste textiles also have big uses! How to recycle into new topics

The recycling of old textiles can not only save a lot of resources, but also reduce the environmental pollution of the textile industry. China is the country with the largest production volume of textile fibers in the world, and it is also a major consumer and exporter of textile and apparel products. The recycling and recycling of waste textile and clothing in China still have problems such as unregulated recycling, poor management, lack of standards, and low processing levels. Then, let's first look at how foreign countries do it!


In the United States, there is a startup called the Renewal Workshop . They first go to work with the clothing brands to transport the old clothes that the brands collected to the Renewal Workshop factory in Oregon . According to different issues, the clothes are classified and repaired. , cleaning, and then returned to the brand for sale or posted on the Renewal Workshop label to sell through their own channels, such as selling online or selling to other retailers. The price of these second-hand clothes will be roughly 50%-70% of the original price . The brand will not charge the clothes when they send the clothes to the Renewal Workshop . Instead, they will receive a certain share after the clothes are sold.

In addition to repairs, they also plan to redesign some old clothes into "new" clothes. After all, many abandoned clothes do not have many serious quality problems. Many of them are just broken zippers, dropped buttons, broken holes, and the like. The cost of repairs is not high, and resources are recycled to reduce the need. Garbage being processed. The company’s prospects have enabled the Renewal Workshop to obtain investment from venture capital firm VTF Capital over one million US dollars.


A new attempt was made by scientists at the Polytechnic University in Madrid, Spain, who developed these waste textiles into environmentally friendly indoor wall panels.


These waste textiles mainly come from the apparel manufacturing industry. Since these raw materials come from products that are inspected and qualified, these wastes do not need to be specially treated in advance, and they need to be cut and crushed. Scientists extracted the textile fibers needed to make wallboard.

After the textile fibers are extracted, the fibers are bonded together using an adhesive called natural hydraulic lime to make a wallboard. Compared to other chemical binders, natural hydraulic lime has the advantages of being non-flammable and containing no toxic gases, and is more suitable for the production of indoor building materials.

The manufactured wall plate has the characteristics of low density and its own weight is much lower than the ordinary wall hanging plate on the market. In terms of thermal insulation and sound insulation, wallboards made of textile fibers perform much better than normal wallboards. The thermal conductivity of the wallboard is 1/2 that of other ordinary wallboards. At the same time, the introduction of textile fibers improves the sound absorption of the wallboard and achieves better sound insulation.


The recycling of old textiles in China is still in a fragmented and non-systematic state. There are many problems such as unregulated recycling, poor management, lack of standards, and low processing levels. At this stage, recycling can be carried out from the following three points.  

Waste recycling

Textile recycling can set up a special recycling site in each community, using a novel recovery method for recycling, for the residents can use waste textile exchange points, a point per kilogram, accumulate points to 1000 , convert a denomination of movie tickets or tickets; at the same time A public welfare fund shall be set up within the residential community, and one ton of waste textiles shall be recycled and a certain amount of funds shall be provided to the public welfare fund for the construction of community infrastructure.

2. Recycling Waste Textile Pretreatment

First, the textiles are classified and classified according to their materials, and then manually dismantled to remove the zippers and other decorations on the waste textiles. This sorting of used textiles helps to make rational use of high-value raw materials that can be reused in textiles. The classified waste textiles are cleaned and disinfected.

3. Classification of waste textiles

For the recovery and utilization of waste textiles with high added value, such as cashmere products, camel hair products, and polyurethane products, finely separated raw materials containing higher value are included; for waste textiles with low value, cut, torn, and opened The fibers obtained after loosening are classified into two types: a spun fiber and a non-spun fiber. In a spun fiber, spinning can be performed by using a method such as a friction spinning, a ring spinning, a rotor spinning, and a parallel spinning. For non-spinning waste textiles, the opener can be used to directly generate velvet-like recycled cotton, which can be used for greenhouse insulation and other low-end products.


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