2018 can not miss the garment heat transfer, printing trend

2018 can not miss the garment heat transfer, printing trend China is a big producer of textiles and garments, and a big producer of garment printing. With the development of regional economic development in the world, apparel printing is being transformed into a technology industry driven by innovation, a fashion industry led by culture, and a green industry developed by responsibility. Printing and apparel products mainly include cultural T-shirts, casual wear, baby wear, jeans, sportswear, clothing, clothing, knitted underwear and sweaters, etc., but also hats, scarves, shoes, bags and umbrellas and other clothing products. In recent years, with the continuous iteration of people's consumption concept, the continuous upgrade of consumption methods, the continuous transformation of lifestyles, the personalization of styles, the diversification of fashion, the functionalization of products, and the experience of consumption have become the demands of more consumers. Production is also developing in response to demand trends in the apparel market