Lu Yanguang: Art is the Mother of Science

Lu Yanguang: Art is the Mother of Science

Yesterday, the Industrial and Commercial Painting and Calligraphy Institute, consisting of Guangzhou city's painters and non-public economists, held the first stage of the art salon and invited the painter Lu Yanguang to give a speech entitled “The Development of Art and People and Society”. Lu Yanguang pointed out in his keynote: "Art is the mother of science." Both the state and society should attach great importance to the education and construction of art in order to effectively improve people's creativity.

Lu Yanguang said that everything in the world is emotional, and art can inspire people and other biological emotions. The key to human imagination and creativity is to rely on the influence of art. He believes that at present our country does not pay enough attention to art construction. We should call the country and society as a whole to pay more attention to art in order to stimulate national creativity.

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