Sales negotiation skills - strange pressure

[China Glass Network] When we mention the magic, we will first think of David Copperfield. His magic performance is incredible. He has made many seemingly impossible things possible.

I think that the negotiation is sometimes magical like magic. It is obviously the advantage you have. You can wait until the end of the negotiation and find that you have paid a higher price. It is obvious that the other party is under tremendous pressure, but it was discovered during the negotiation. Your pressure is constantly increasing. Why is this? The explanation is that your opponents are more experienced than you, and they know how to use them.

Let's uncover their secrets together.

A home appliance chain store is your company's key customer. In recent years, they have continuously expanded into new markets, and the number of stores has been ranked first in the country. Especially this year, 60% of your company's profits are derived from this company. As a key account manager, you need to negotiate with them and deal with emergencies. One morning, the other purchasing director gave you a call. Because there is not enough stock, you are required to immediately deliver 50 DVD players to the central warehouse. Otherwise, you will be fined according to relevant regulations. When you hear this news, it is impossible to mobilize 50 DVD players. You need to negotiate with the relevant departments of headquarters, logistics, finance, etc. If everything goes well, it will not meet the time requirements of the other party. Although the amount of the fine is not large, it is not a glorious thing after all. It has just been upgraded for less than half a year, and the boss is very important to you. Such an inexplicable fine will affect the development of your career. At this time, you are already overwhelmed and helpless. You can't think of a solution to the problem.

At this time, you should calm down and think about the ins and outs of things. You will find that it is not as complicated as you think. According to historical sales data, it is impossible to sell 50 DVD players a day, and the possibility of group shopping can be ruled out, because your resident shopping guide did not report to you. So why is the other party so eager to ask for goods?

Their secret is: there is a problem with the safety stock! It must be that the two departments of sales and inventory have problems in coordination and coordination, so that the store is out of stock and can be sold, and even complaints from customers. Obviously this is the problem of the store rather than your responsibility, but they pass on this tricky problem to you and let you take the pressure on them. This is really unfair. If you can't find this secret, then you can only Put all the pressure on your own.

You are a business manager of a food packaging company. The company has many long-term partners. Your main job is to maintain and consolidate this partnership. It is worthy of pride that you not only did your job well, but also The principal responsible person of the other party has established a good personal relationship and is very comfortable with the work. Just when you are proud of it, the product manager of a dairy company suddenly made a mistake to you - he asked your company to send 50,000 yogurt boxes to the production workshop before 7:00 the next day, otherwise the production line Will be discontinued due to no packaging! The yogurt of this company is of superior quality and is a major producer and seller in this city. The direct loss caused by the suspension of production can be imagined. If it is really because the shortage of packaging materials and stop production, then the troubles will come one after another, it is not good to see in court.

Who is responsible for the lack of packaging materials? On the contract, the two parties agreed to order one week in advance, but in the execution, the other party only advanced one day in advance, and the other party’s experience will never make such a naive mistake. It must be a problem in a certain link, and this is not your problem. If you don't figure out this responsibility relationship, you will fall into the trap of the other party. Of course, you can go all out to help your customers get through the difficulties, because this is your job responsibilities, but you must talk to the other party beforehand about the attribution of responsibility, so as not to have unnecessary trouble in the future.

Therefore, the problem is indeed that you have to bear it bravely. If it is not for you, you must clear your way.

Readers and friends may think that this is very simple when looking at the above two examples. It is easy to distinguish between right and wrong, and it is not complicated. In fact, otherwise, because this case has been clearly placed in front of you, it is relatively easy to make a conclusion. Secondly, everyone is an outsider, and the so-called bystanders are clear. If you are in it, the negotiation experience is not very old, and it is inevitable that you will not be trapped in it and lose your rational thinking.

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